Monday, 16 April 2012


Interesting facts about mangrove forest!

Why are mangrove forest important?
Mangroves provide valuable nursery areas for juvenile fish and crustaceans and are also important source of nutrients for the adjacent marine ecosystem. Mangrove made shelter and food possible for animals living there. Mostimportantly, Mangroves helps to protect the coastline from serious erosionduring tropical cyclones.
Why mangroves are able to protect humans being!!!!!???
Mangroves form dense barriers against storms and tsunamis, saving lives and protecting property. They also provide us with many other important benefits—more than many people may realize. For example, mangroves produce seafood, fruits, medicines, fiber, and wood. They stabilize shores by trapping sediments and building land. They improve water quality by filtering runoff and polluted waters. They protect the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas
How could mangrove help when there is a natural disaster?
During natural disaster, for example the tsunami that happened in Indonesia 7years back in 2004 when a magnitude 9.1 earthquake struck Indonesia, Sumatra, the mangrove actually helped to reduce that impact of the deadly tsunami! The mangrove forest and and coastal vegetation creates a shore protection in that area. With the strong hold of aeriel,prop and knee roots, which created a “barrier” and eventually slows down the speed of the tsunami! This amazing mangrove not only reduced the amount of death tolls but also reduced the damage that it would have cause. Research had also proven that mangrove forests and coastal vegetation had effective protect coastal area from the tsunami as heavy damage occurred in those areas that do not have the present of mangrove and coastal forests.

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