Sunday, 21 August 2011


5th June is celebrated as Environment Day around the globe to promote alertness regarding scorching issues of environment pollution, drastic climatic changes, green house effect, global warming, black whole effect etc, among human beings on the planet Earth.


1. Throw garbage in bins.
2. Use Eco-friendly products(use paper bags instead of plastic).
3. Use fuel efficiency vehicles.
4. Reduce the usage of crackers which leads to air and sound pollution.
5. Use 3R's system: R-Reduce, R-Reuse and R-Recycle.
6. Reduce the use of non-biodegradable substances and use biodegradable substances.
7. Car pool (a group of persons traveling in a same car. E.g.: In your locality if you and your friends want to move to office you along with your friends can go in a single car instead of going individually to save fuel and prevent traffic) should be maintained.
8. We all know the 4 types of pollution(air, water, sound and land pollution). But there is another type of pollution i.e., Light Pollution. This pollution leads to the brightening of the sky at night. In previous years man could see 3500 stars very brightly at night but it reduced to only a few dozens.
Due to this light pollution, 24000 sky scrapers are killed or injured per year. Lightening from office towers confuses migratory birds which fly into buildings at night are crashed and killed. Artificial light along oceans confuses millions of baby sea turtles even dim light is enough to blind nocturnal frogs. Light at night can thus render an area an stable for wildlife and disrupt living and breeding patterns of birds and animals.

Steps to reduce Light pollution:
(i) Switching off unwanted street lights, office lights and neon signs
(ii) Reduce the usage of crackers which produce bright light.

Pollution might be of any type and many types but preventing & saving our environment is our responsibility.

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